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你之所以看到这篇文章,应该是已经了解过mutt的强大,或许还有疑惑。如果只是偶然看到,我建议你最好先了解一下mutt:Mutt email 程序使用入门,他能让你处理邮件变得随心所欲。我写这篇文章不再介绍mutt,主要记录一下mutt及其搭配程序如getmail4,msmtp,procmail等的安装及配置。

Mutt 只是一个邮件客户端,它只负责从 /var/spool/mail 里读取特定用户的信件,并按照用户安排的方式进行处理。所以,我们要一个收件程序从邮件服务器把邮件收进/var/spool/mail,给mutt处理。同时要有一个发件程序,让mutt写好邮件后调用他把邮件发到服务器上。

收发件程序常见的有fetchmail,getmail4,esmtp,msmtp,exim,postfix,等等好几个,我选择的是:mutt + getmail4 + msmtp + procmail。其中procmail是用来过滤和分捡收到的邮件的,getmail4从服务器收到信后调用procmail把邮件过滤分捡到mutt的信箱里面。我之所以这样选择,是因为一些前辈们的经验,你可以参考一下:

  1. [Mutt]用msmtp替代esmtp作发信代理
  2. Why did you write getmail? Why not just use fetchmail?


sudo apt-get install mutt msmtp getmail4 wv w3m
# wv是为了把一些邮件中的附件word转换成html,w3m是为了邮件中的html能在终端里面阅读。
# 在ubuntu11.10安装mutt的时候可能会一起安装postfix,如果有洁癖可以安装后再把它卸载。


选配置的时候最好选那种多个配置文件分类的,这样自己要改也比较容易找选项位置。mutt的配置文件里面支持source ~/.mutt/gpg.rc这样引用外部的配置(具体看后面介绍),可以把配置分类在多个文件中再集中到muttrc里面。


github上面有好多个配置都是直接拿来就能用。具体可以自己到github页面搜索mutt即可, 或者点击:Search · mutt



下面开始介绍的这个mutt配置是根据 http://suchang.net/slack/Mutt.html 做大量个人设定修改而成,感谢原创作者。我的配置项目的github地址: https://github.com/huangming/mutt 。如果你觉得不错的话可以按照项目说明文档的操作步骤安装使用。


~/.getmail/             # getmail(用于收邮件)配置文件目录
~/Mail/                 # 把收取下来的邮件保存到的主目录
~/.msmtprc              # msmtp(用于发送邮件)配置文件
~/.mutt/                # mutt配置文件目录
~/.muttrc               # mutt配置文件(由 ~/.mutt/dot_muttrc ln而成)
~/.procmailrc           # procmail(用于过滤收取到的邮件)配置文件



~/.mutt/doc_muttrc   # 总配置文件,里面必须有source语句把所有配置包括进来,并且把此文件ln到 ~/.muttrc
~/.mutt/gpg.rc       # 用于邮件pgp加密的,详情见后面
~/.mutt/dir.rc       # 用于配置所有有关路径的设定选项,可根据个人喜欢更改
~/.mutt/header.rc    # 用于配置发邮件自动根据各种条件填写相应的邮件头(发件人,收件人抄送等所有)
~/Mail/alias         # 地址簿
~/.mutt/bindings.rc  # 快捷键设定
~/.mutt/mutt-colors-solarized/mutt-colors-solarized-dark-16.muttrc #配色
~/.mutt/colors.rc    # 配色




# vim: filetype=muttrc
# dot_muttrc
# MIME settings

 auto_view application/ms-tnef text/x-vcard
 auto_view application/x-chess application/x-lotus-notes
 auto_view text/html application/x-gzip application/x-gunzip
 auto_view application/rtf application/x-rath
 auto_view application/msword
 auto_view image/*

alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html application/pgp application/postscript image/*

# read the config file and set scores

# PGP command configuration
# source ~/.mutt/pgp2.rc
 source ~/.mutt/gpg.rc

# source non-public stuff, (hooks, alternates, ...)
source ~/.mutt/dir.rc
source ~/.mutt/header.rc
source ~/Mail/alias
source ~/.mutt/bindings.rc
source ~/.mutt/mutt-colors-solarized/mutt-colors-solarized-dark-16.muttrc
#source ~/.mutt/colors.rc

# My scores about mails
#score "~N" +4
score "~f mum"  +3
score "~f 3to32" +2
score "~D"  -5
score "~O" +1
score "~s 广告" -10
score "~s 先生" -10

# attributes when using a mono terminal
#mono header underline ^(From|Subject):
mono quoted bold
mono  index bold ~F
mono  body  bold '\*[^*]+\*'
mono  body  underline '_[^_]+_'

# The header weed list

ignore delivered-to
ignore content- errors-to in-reply-to mime-version
ignore lines precedence status
ignore nntp-posting-host path old-return-path received references
ignore priority >received >>received

ignore resent- return-path xref path
ignore x400 importance sensitivity autoforward original-encoded-information
ignore x- thread-

ignore list- comments posted-to approved-by

unignore x-spam x-url x-mailer
# Various settings
set alias_file=~/Mail/alias
set   abort_nosubject=no        # Let me send messages with an empty subject
set   abort_unmodified=no       # Let me send empty messages
set   allow_8bit=yes            # Produce correct MIME
unset arrow_cursor          # Use the bar cursor
set   askcc=no              # Don't ask me about CCs
set   beep=no               # I don't like the beep
set   beep_new=no           # I use xbiff instead of beep
unset bounce_delivered      # Don't include Delivered-to with bounces
set   confirmcreate=yes     # Ask me about creating new files
unset confirmappend         # Don't ask me about appending to files
set   delete=yes            # Don't ask me whether or not I meant to delete messages
set   edit_hdrs=no          # I want to edit the headers.
set editor="vim -c 'set tw=72 et ft=mail'+:silent+?^$"
set   envelope_from=yes         # set messages' envelope-from header.
set   fast_reply=yes            # when press "r" then don't use to fill address
set   fcc_clear                 # Store local copies of messages in the clear.
set   followup_to               # Create Mail-Followup-To headers.
unset   force_name              # Create save folders which don't exist.
set   forward_decode            # Decode messages when forwarding.
set   forward_decrypt           # Decrypt messages when forwarding.
set   help=yes              # No help line.
set   include=yes           # Always include a copy when replying.
set   mark_old              # Distinguish between seen (but unread) and new messages
unset metoo                 # Remove me from CC headers.
set   mime_fwd=ask-no       # Ask me whether or not to create a MIME-encapsulated forward
set   move=no               # use mbox, that's i'd love to
set   pager_stop            # Don't fall through to the next message in the pager
set   pager_index_lines=4       # The pager index is ugly to someone.
set   pgp_replyencrypt          # Encrypt when replying to encrypted messages.
set   pgp_replysignencrypted    # Sign when replying to encrypted messages.
set   pgp_show_unusable="no"    # Don't display unusable keys.
set   pgp_sort_keys="keyid"     # Sort keys by key ID
set   pgp_replysign             # Sign when replying to signed messages.
set   pgp_timeout=3600          # Forget the PGP passphrase after an hour.
set   pipe_decode               # Decode messages I pipe to commands,typically to patch(1).
unset   print=ask-no            # Don't waste paper
set   print_cmd="enscript -Email -2 -r -G" # Two columns, landscape, fancy header.
set   print_split=yes           # Invoke enscript once per message
set   quit=ask-yes              # Don't ask me whether or not I want to quit.
set   quote_regexp="^ *[a-zA-Z]*[>|][>:|]*" # Recognize quotes in the pager.
set   read_inc=50               # Progress indicator when reading folders.
set   recall=ask-no             # When I say "compose", ask me whether I want to continue composing a postponed message.
set   reply_to=ask-yes          # Ask me whether I want to honor users' reply-to headers.
set   reverse_alias             # Use aliases to display real names on the index.
set   reverse_name=yes          # 用哪个邮箱收的信, 就用哪个邮箱回信
set   save_name=yes             # Save copies by name.  Together with $record and $save_name, this means that when a folder exists, copies of outgoing messages are written to ~/Mail/<name>, otherwise they go to ~/Mail/archive/now
set   sig_dashes            # Add dashes above my signature
set   smart_wrap            # Try to be smart when wrapping around lines in the pager
set   sort=score            # sort by score
set   sort=threads          # then by threads
set   sort_aux='reverse-last-date-received'         # then by date
unset strict_threads        # don't be strict about threads
set   suspend=no            # I run the mutt in gnome-terminal
set   tilde                 # Indicate empty lines in the pager.
set   to_chars=" +TCFL "    # Don't tag list mail in the index
unset use_domain            # Don't append a domain to addresses.
set   write_inc=50          # Progress indicator when writing folders.
set   query_command="lbdbq %s"      # Use the Little Brother's Database with the external query feature.
set   sendmail_wait=-1              # Put sendmail (i.e., postfix) to the background.
set   encode_from           # "From " in the beginning of a line triggers quoted-printable
set   nowait_key            # Return immediately from external programs
set   forw_format="[fwd] %s (from: %a)" # A different subject for forwarded messages
set   nobeep                # Shut up. ;-)
set   reply_regexp="^((re([                                                          \\ [0-9 \\ ]+])*|aw):[ \t]*)+[ \t]*"  # A regular expression to detect replies
set   header=no             # Include the message header when replying.
set   ignore_list_reply_to=no       # Ignore Reply-To headers pointing to mailing lists.
set   index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4c) %s"  # Somewhat different index format, which works nicely with maildir folders.
set   text_flowed           # Generate text/plain; format=flowed
unset use_ipv6              # Don't try to use IPv6 - it doesn't work here.
set   keep_flagged          # don't move flagged messages to mbox

set status_format="-%r-+(%v) %f [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Old:%o?%?d? Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?%?l? %l?]----%>-(%P)---"
#set compose_format="--+(%v) Compose  [Approx. msg size: %l   Atts: %a]%>-"
#set pager_format="-%Z- %C/%m: %.20n %> %s"
#set smileys="^$"

# Identify  mailing lists I subscribe to
subscribe	opera-linux@opera.com 
subscribe	opera-linux-request@opera.com

# locale
set charset = UTF-8
set locale  = zh_CN.UTF-8
# hook charset
charset-hook !UTF-8 gbk
charset-hook "^us-ascii$" "utf-8"
# send charset
set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:utf-8:gbk"
set rfc2047_parameters=yes
# 定义别名的字符集
charset-hook alias charset 
iconv-hook charset local-charset



我设定收件箱草稿箱跟发件箱都是同一个目录inbox,这样做的好处是邮件折叠浏览的时候一目了然,具体可以察看 Threaded模式

# muttrc dir part
# vim: filetype=muttrc
# 所有信箱文件夹必须有{cur,new,tmp}这三个子目录,请手动建。 
  set folder="~/Mail"	       # 主目录		
  set mbox_type=Maildir        # 邮件存放形式,推荐设置,没什么好说的
  set move=no	  			   # 新邮件阅读后自动保存到下面设定的路径
  set mbox=+inbox	           # 已读新邮件自动归档位置
  set record=+inbox	           # 已发送邮件保存位置  
  set trash=~/Mail/trash       # 放已删除邮件
  set postponed=+postponed     # 放草稿("+"指主目录/)
  set postpone=yes             # 已编辑但最后关头取消的邮件直接放草稿
  set spoolfile="~/Mail/inbox" # mutt启动后打开的信箱
  set tmpdir= ~/.mutt/.tmp     
  set header_cache=~/Mail/.header_cache/ # 缓存邮件头位置,设定后邮件大量的话能提高第二次以后的打开速度
  set maildir_header_cache_verify=no
  set mailcap_path="~/.mutt/mailcap"	# mailcap的路径,mailcap下面介绍
  set signature="~/Mail/.signature"     # 写邮件用到的签名

# Mailboxes in Maildir (automatic update) # mutt监视的信箱,即里面的邮件文件会被mutt读取。
  mailboxes `cd ~/Mail; /bin/ls -1|sed -e 's/^/+/' | tr "\n" " "` #主目录下所有文件夹
  unmailboxes Maillog *.ev-summary  #上一条设定可能包括了一些不是信箱的文件夹,可以在这里取消
# set   sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp" # 发件程序 跟下一条配置的区别后面会讲。此时还没配置发件程序msmtp,所以还不能发件。
set   sendmail="~/.mutt/msmtp-enqueue.sh" # 发件程序



# vim: filetype=muttrc
# Colors
color normal white black
color hdrdefault red black
color quoted yellow black
color signature red black
color indicator black green
color error brightred black
color status yellow blue
color tree magenta black	# the thread tree in the index menu
color tilde magenta black
color message brightcyan black
color markers brightcyan black
color attachment brightmagenta black
color search black green	# how to hilite search patterns in the pager

color header brightred default ^(From|Subject):
# color body brightblue black "(ftp|http)://[^ ]+"	# point out URLs

# email addresses
color body brightblue  black "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"
mono  body bold              "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"

# color underline brightgreen black
color index yellow default ~p              # 发给我的,黄色
color index blue default ~P                # 我发的,蓝色
color index brightyellow default ~N        # 新的,黄色粗体
color index brightgreen default "~N ~p"    # 新发给我的,绿色粗体


# 用G调用执行收件,S调用执行发件
macro generic  S "!~/.mutt/msmtp-runqueue.sh -q -n & \n"
macro index    G "!~/.getmail/getmail -q -n & \n"   "Invoke getmail"
macro pager    G "!~/.getmail/getmail -q -n & \n"   "Invoke getmail"

# 跳转各个信箱
macro index  I  "c!\n" "Go to Inbox"
macro pager  I  "c!\n" "Go to Inbox"
macro index  F  "c=friends\r"
macro pager  F  "c=friends\r"
macro index  J  "c=job\r"
macro pager  J  "c=job\r"


text/enriched;  enriched.sh  ; copiousoutput

image/*;  	anytopnm %s | pnmscale -xsize 80 -ysize 50 | ppmtopgm | pgmtopbm | pbmtoascii ; copiousoutput

application/x-gunzip;   gzcat; copiousoutput
application/x-tar-gz; gunzip -c %s | tar -tf - ; copiousoutput
application/postscript; ps2ascii %s; copiousoutput

application/pgp-keys;		pgp -f < %s ; copiousoutput

# 让mutt调用 wvHtml 在自己的窗口 里直接显示转换的 doc 文档
application/msword; wvHtml %s - | w3m -dump -T text/html;copiousoutput
#text html
text/html; w3m -dump -ppc 9 -I %{charset} -T text/html %s|uniq; copiousoutput
# Send excel spreadsheets to my NT box
application/ms-excel; open.pl %s


# header settings   #发邮件的时候发信人和回信人自动填写的内容
# vim: filetype=muttrc

# 默认
hdr_order from to cc date subject reply-to mail-followup-to # mail head order
my_hdr From: 		 NICK <xxxxx@163.com> 
my_hdr Reply-to:	 NICK <xxxxx@163.com> 	    # my Reply address:w
#my_hdr Organization: A Really Big Company, Anytown, USA

# 快捷键设定发件人
# ESC+1切换到gmail邮箱账户
macro generic "<esc>1" ":set from='NICK <XXXXX@gmail.com>'"
# ESC+2切换到QQ邮箱账户
macro generic "<esc>2" ":set from='NICK <XXXXX@qq.com>'"

# send hook 当收到的邮件发件人为gmail邮箱时,你的回覆邮箱设为456@gmail.com
send-hook '~t .*@gmail\.com$' 'my_hdr from:456@gmail.com'
send-hook '~t .*@gmail\.com$' 'my_hdr reply-to:456@gmail.com'
send-hook '~t .*@gmail\.com$' 'set sendmail="~/.mutt/msmtp-enqueue.sh -a 456:gmail"'

reply-hook '~t .*@gmail\.com$' 'my_hdr from:456@gmail.com'
reply-hook '~t .*@gmail\.com$' 'my_hdr reply-to:456@gmail.com'
reply-hook '~t .*@gmail\.com$' 'set sendmail="~/.mutt/msmtp-enqueue.sh -a 456:gmail"'



# GnuPG config
# vim:ft=config
set pgp_decode_command="gpg %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --batch --output - %f"
set pgp_verify_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --verify %s %f"
set pgp_decrypt_command="gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --no-verbose --batch --output - %f"
set pgp_sign_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f"
set pgp_clearsign_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?-u %a? %f"
set pgp_encrypt_only_command="/usr/lib/mutt/pgpewrap gpg --batch --quiet --no-verbose --output - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust --encrypt-to 0xCDB98F72 -- -r %r -- %f"
set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="/usr/lib/mutt/pgpewrap gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --batch --quiet --no-verbose --textmode --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u %a? --armor --always-trust --encrypt-to 0xCDB98F72 -- -r %r -- %f"
set pgp_import_command="gpg --no-verbose --import -v %f"
set pgp_export_command="gpg --no-verbose --export --armor %r"
set pgp_verify_key_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --fingerprint --check-sigs %r"
set pgp_list_pubring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --with-colons --list-keys %r" 
set pgp_list_secring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --with-colons --list-secret-keys %r" 
set pgp_autosign=yes
set pgp_sign_as=0xCDB98F72
set pgp_replyencrypt=yes
set pgp_timeout=3600
set pgp_good_sign="^gpg: Good signature from"
# set pgp_use_gpg_agent=yes




多帐号是通过对应的多个配置文件来配置的。我的getmail的所有配置来自:getmail configuration(英文)

~/.getmail/新建 configlog 文件夹,分别存放配置文件和日志文件。现在假设你用这两个邮箱:123@163.com,456@gmial.com 在log文件夹新建空白的日志文件163.log、gmail.log(其实名字可随意,在配置文件里面写上对应的即可)。再新建如下两个配置文件:

# ~/.getmamil/config/getmailrc.163
# vim: filetype=getmailrc
verbose = 1
read_all = false
message_log = ~/.getmail/log/163.log

type = SimplePOP3Retriever
server = pop3.163.com
username = 123@163.com
password = ***********

type = MDA_external
path = /usr/bin/procmail    # 这个是说收到的邮件送给procmail这个程序处理。如果填的是一个文件夹路径,那么就不会做任何处理直接把邮件存到那个路径上。
unixfrom = true
# ~/.getmamil/config/getmailrc.gmail
# vim: filetype=getmailrc
type = SimplePOP3SSLRetriever
server = pop.gmail.com
#port = 995
username = 456@gmail.com
password = ************

type = MDA_external
path = /usr/bin/procmail
unixfrom = true

verbose = 1
delete = false
message_log = ~/.getmail/log/gmail.log



$ chmod 0600 $HOME/.getmail/config/*


set -e
if [ -f $HOME/.getmail/running ]; then
  echo > ~/.getmail/log/getmail.running 2>&1 &
  pgrep -l "getmai[l]"
  exit 1
  echo > ~/.getmail/log/getmail.running 2>&1 & 
if [ -f $HOME/.getmail/stop ]; then
  echo "do not run getmail ... (if not, remove $HOME/.getmail/stop)" >&2
if [ "x$1" = "x-l" ]; then
for file in $HOME/.getmail/config/* ; do
  rcfiles="$rcfiles --rcfile $file"
date -u > $HOME/.getmail/running
eval "$rcfiles $@"
rm $HOME/.getmail/running



sudo crontab -e -u <user_name>   # <user_name>为你电脑当前用户名


5,20,35,50 * * * * /usr/local/bin/getmails --quiet # 表示隔15分钟运行一次,你也可以设定各种频率,具体请 man crontab



DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/inbox/     # 默认转发到的信箱
# 根据邮件标题过滤,把标题含有某些内容的邮件扔到垃圾箱
* 1^0 ^X-Advertisement
* 1^0 ^Subject:.*BUSINESS PROPOSAL
* 1^0 ^Subject:.*URGENT.*ASISSTANCE

# 其他过滤规则
# ……

# 上面所有过滤规则过滤后剩下的转存入inbox信箱
* .*


#Set default values for all following accounts
# vim: filetype=msmtprc
 logfile Mail/log/msmtp.log  # 发件日志
#tls on
 tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

# Gmail service
account gmail           
host smtp.gmail.com
port 587
auth on
tls on

# 163 service
account job@163
host smtp.163.com 
auth login
tls on

# 126 service
account 126  
host smtp.126.com  
tls off  
auth login  

# QQ service
account qq
host smtp.qq.com  
tls off  
auth login

#上面的是服务器方面的设置,下面通过 account 456 : gmail 这种继承方式(帐号456继承上面的gmail)配置帐号。

account 456 : gmail
from 456@gmail.com
user "456@gmail.com"
password *********
account job : 163
from job@163.com
user "job"
password "******"

account friends : 163
from friends@163.com
user "friends"
password "******"

account 123 : 126
from 123@126.com
user "123"
password "*******"

account 123456 : qq
from 123456@qq.com
user "123456"
password "123456"

account 654321 : qq
from 654321@qq.com
user "654321"
password "*******"

#Default account
account default : friends : 163

发件的程序是在 /usr/bin/msmtp ,他的工作原理是mutt写好邮件按y发送,此时邮件被msmtp接收并返回发送成功的提示。但是此时邮件并没有发送出去,只是把信件保存在QUEUEDIR里,msmtp然后启动msmtp-runqueue.sh,这时候如果网络连接正常,QUEUEDIR里面的邮件才会被发送出去,并且把发送出去的邮件从QUEUEDIR里面删除。如果网络链接异常或者别的什么故障导致发件失败,邮件会保留在QUEUEDIR等待下一次启动msmtp-runqueue.sh





Soalrized 是个非常流行的配色项目,支持很多软件。mutt只是其中之一,这里 有截图。github项目地址:https://github.com/altercation/mutt-colors-solarized 安装过程也简单,项目里有4个配色,其中2个需要终端256位支持,把需要的配色copy到~/.mutt/并且在doc_muttrc里面source进来。



  1. Debian 参考手册 第14章-GnuPG
  2. 在mutt中使用gnupg


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